Questions About the Membership Program

This program is design to provide support to businesses, which are dedicated to their workplace safety, compliance and want their Workplace Health & Safety to be continually optimised.The portal will provide online access to the business WHS Management Systems and reporting processes with supervisors and managers processing these in the back end.   The business will have regular updates on the WHS legislation, with options to ongoing advise ans support by a safety consultant and education through monthly newsletters. This platform also gives online access to the workers who can use their electronic devices at any location and any time. 

Click the Buy Button and that will take you through the process of registering, selecting your programs and purchasing them.

This platform supports one-man professional businesses/ micro-business right up to  corporates with up to 60 plus workers.

Yes, we have the necessary apps and patches t0 protect you information.

The membership fees are a one off registration fee, followed by monthly or annual fees that gives the business and their workers access to the platform and membership services.

The Platform has an online option where you can pay by credit card or direct debt system.

It covers the membership package you have chosen, which gives you to the on call support, access to my Newsletter and information to keep you up to date, All the bonuses, and a quarterly, half-yearly or annual audit depending on your membership plan.

You may need to check that you have the correct login details or reset your password. We have our IT support team.  Use the link or contact number provided to get assistance.

It covers membership which gives you to the legislation, access to my Newsletter and information to keep you up to date, All the bonuses, and a quarterly, half-yearly or annual audit depending on your membership plan.

Log on and go to your profile to update your information

We would like to work with our clients and assist them where they have needs. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Please note contracts are to go for the full duration., as they are non-refundable. 

If you have any reasons to put a service on hold please contact our office to discuss.

Below the page is the option to contact us.

This program is develop for people like yourself who want to be compliant, but find that the business activities takes up their time. Our clients have invested in their safety and the goal of this platform is to help them maintain their safety system at an optimum compliance level.  We can help you get Your WHS Management System in place and then assist you to maintain your compliance.

General questions about Content

Yes, if you have purchased the early bird membership with the safety platform you, your workers and new recruits will have  access to the BONUS – WHS Workers Training program.  Once this early bird elapses there are option to purchase the WHS training Program for both workers and management teams.

This platform was developed for people just like you who are time poor as they working in and on the business.

The goal is to keep you up to date with and have access to support when needed.

Generally an induction on commencement of work, then reinforcing regularly and an annual refresher.

If you use contractors, or have a small workforce, then you can have WHS as an agenda item, or discuss safety in your toolbox meetings.

Yes, an injury register must be maintained.

Yes the EEP is  a legal requirement for you premises

Yes we are able to help develop a WHS hand book for your business

Yes, these are the laws of your business.

Yes it is important that they have knowledge and understanding about managing safety.

For SMEs this can be on the job training.

It’s important the they understand the importance of managing and following up with the documentation and records management..  As these have implications legally.

We realise that businesses are time poor so we developed short videos that are between 10 to 15 mins per subject matter.

Yes, the contractor management program will give you the knowledge and understanding and procedures as the principal.

Yes, we are able to give you information and advise on what actions you can take?

Yes we can.  We would need to speak with the staff member to ascertain information on the injury and the history?

You may have to provide them with it in writing.  In other words as a safe work/operational procedure which you would train then and get them to sign off.

Generally once a month, unless something significant happens or changes. E.g. when someone gets injured or you have purchased a new machine.

Yes extremely important.

That is challenging and depending on the severity of the situation the starting point though is having a policy and training the staff.  You will need to seek advise from an expert.

Yes you do. Your manual will contain documents that are relevant to your business?

On every worksite each day and ensure no risk are being created during the work activity.

Yes, we help many contractors who require specific documents that are to meet their requirement.